Donate to Help Fix the Flood Damaged Fence
Help us reach our $10,000 goal to repair our farm fence, which was damaged in a major spring flood.
Donate to Help us Feed the Community
Help us reach our $5,000 ECO Feed goal to plant and harvest healthy and fresh food for our community food banks.
Donate Toward New Alpacas for the Farm
Help us reach our $2,000 goal to buy two guardian alpacas to protect the farm from animal predators.
Donate Toward New Baby Chicks
Help us reach our $1,000 goal to buy and raise baby chicks to increase our number of egg laying hens.
Donate Toward Our Garden Shade Covers
Help us reach our $1,000 goal to purchase and install shade covers for our gardens.
Donate To Help Us Restore Our Tiny Greenhouse
Help us reach our $2,000 goal to restore our tiny greenhouse so that we can use it to grow microgreens.