More Ways to Give
It’s possible; to be change: in your life, your community, your world. By being part of ECO with your donation, you are reinforcing the belief that every human is capable of making powerful changes in this world.
With a donation of any size, you are acknowledging ECO’s work and its vision. Your support is the primary source of strength by which ECO pursues its vision and fulfills its mission.
Donate online, by mail, direct deposit or phone
Giving online is simple, fast and has an immediate impact. We can accept donations through our website by credit card, Echeck and PayPal. To give by mail, please make your check payable to Earth Citizens Organization and mail it to:
989 S. Main St. Ste A-485
Cottonwood, AZ 896326
To donate by phone, please contact us at 928-641-6817
Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate Social Responsibility is not an option anymore. Thanks to the increase of socially conscious consumers and businesses, socially responsible business is becoming a leading force in making changes that help create a more sustainable world.
An extensive market study involving more than 10,000 consumers in 10 countries, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, China, India and Japan found:
More than 90 percent of shoppers worldwide are likely to switch to brands that support a good cause, given similar price and quality.
Consumers expect more from the businesses where they shop. Just 6 percent of the consumers surveyed believe the singular purpose of business is to make money for shareholders, with more than 90 percent saying they want to see more of the products and services they use supporting corporate social responsibility.
Overall, more than 80 percent of those surveyed consider social and environmental issues when deciding where to work, what to buy, where to shop and which products and services to recommend to others.
​Earth Citizens Organization (ECO) has been established to provide training and education to promote mindful living and holistic wellness to make our world more sustainable. We especially focus on educating young community leaders, who, after training, share the tools and practices for mindful living with community members through a variety of outreach activities.
Supporting ECO will highlight your company’s integrity and effort to fulfill the corporate social responsibility for a better world. We believe this support will help strengthen the consumer's loyalty more powerfully than conventional marketing, and establish a good example of a corporation, a public charity and the community working together for a common cause that affects the wellbeing of all parties involved.
If you are interested in corporate sponsorship for ECO, please contact 928-301-6336 or email info@earthcitizens.org
Planned Giving
We invite you to discover the benefits of making a planned gift to ECO. Planned Giving, whether through estate planning or other life-income arrangements, is a way of giving that helps you maximize the personal tax benefits of your charitable giving while leaving a lasting benevolent legacy for others.
Let us help you realize your personal vision and desire to give while you enhance ECO’s financial security. Planned giving is a tool that helps you achieve your goals for supporting ECO and enhances your financial plans and security. These opportunities include:
Bequests in wills
Real estate donations
Deeding a retained real estate
Life insurance policy arrangements
Transferring publicly traded stock
Charitable remainder trusts
And many other creative gift plans
For more information, please contact 928-301-6336 or email info@earthcitizens.org
An endowed gift is a gift that ECO holds in perpetuity. This gift is invested, and only a portion of its average annual investment return is used for operations or purposes specified by the donor. To guard against the eroding consequences of inflation, the remaining investment return is added to the principal. The goal is to ensure that the principal maintains its value over time. Thus, a donor who creates an endowed gift today can be confident that it will grow and continue to support ECO in the years to come.
The following categories are examples of the types of endowments a donor may create:
General Endowment: This endowment supports general operations of ECO. A small percentage of the three-year rolling average balance of the general endowment is provided to operations each year. This method ensures the permanent nature of the principal or corpus of the endowment while providing a portion of the annual income from the investments to the operation of ECO.
Development Endowment: This endowment supports the completion of the development plan for the campus in Arizona as the primary location for developing leaders to fulfill our mission.
Scholarship Endowment: Scholarships allow ECO to meet one of its highest obligations: to provide training and education for numerous students who may otherwise be unable to participate in the programs. Endowed scholarships are an ongoing reminder of the important role that generous donors play in educating the future leaders in the spirit of Earth Citizenship. A scholarship may be established in honor or memory of someone important in a donor’s life.
Use Amazon Smile
If you use Amazon for your online shopping, you can support ECO by designating ECO as your favorite nonprofit organization through AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization.
For more information about Amazon Smile, click the link below:
Apply for a Matching Gift
Many respected companies in the U.S. present matching gift opportunities to promote their employees’ engagement in the charitable causes of their communities. This provides a very powerful means to support ECO to advance its mission. Some companies allow matching gift for the donation by the spouses of their employees as well.
When you donate to ECO, please check with your company whether it has a matching gift policy. The process of matching gift varies depending on the matching gift policy. You may be required to report to your company after your donation or to donate through associated matching gift service. Please check with your company for the exact process. Your company may require ECO’s organizational information to determine matching eligibility. For the organizational information and required documents, please contact 928-301-6336 or email info@earthcitizens.org
Question about donations?
Contact us by calling 928-641-6817 or email info@earthcitizens.org